Wednesday, February 27, 2008

sri sri ravi shankar

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar truly believes that if we see ourselves in relation to the larger universe we'll live a more harmonious loving caring life and live in a world that's also more harmonious. Just understanding breathing and mediation can change one's mentality and approach. It allows us to see everyone as good human beings, some of whom just need help. Our hearts need to embrace everyone. Love is the answer. Love will bring us together. Love is the answer. breathing and meditating are the pathnto enlightenment. We're looking at pictures of 2.5 million people mediating in Bangalore. No police, no incidents, no problems. Totally different approach. He oozes calm, peace and love, we can all feel it.


guru bengkulu said...

I can't stop thinking about this to find out more....

Unknown said...

could you please help me find the video of his talk.